In an attempt to be poetic.
I'm Jesh. 18 years old. Currently taking up BS Computer Science at UP Manila.
I love books and music. And food. I have a flair for the dramatic. I write poems and songs. Half-realist, half-hopeless romantic. Caffeine addict. Extroverted introvert. I'm weird like that.

#personal #writings #poems 
Fifteen Minutes Late
15 July 2011 | 9:18 PM | 0 letters
I know you have an enemy
And if I know better, I bet they are many
But I know a person we all love to hate
That person we'd love to come more than fifteen minutes late

He's responsible for our lack of sleep
As our sanity we try to keep
All those paperwork and essays
Will forever haunt our student days

Tons of homework and lessons to study
We try to beat with a cup of coffee
For an hour or so, it'll keep us awake
All for our studies' sake

All of these we have to endure
Because of that someone we all know for sure
But have you ever thought of what would happen
If they left us all of a sudden?

Empty classrooms, empty chairs
No one to greet “mabuhay!” along the stairs
No lectures, no sermons
An easy life, but nothing to learn

What would life be if there was no one to teach?
No one to lecture, no one to preach
It would be the life we’ve always wanted!
But wouldn’t that leave us uneducated?

At first, they are all monsters to us
But that’ll change, just let time pass
Inevitably, they’ll always be seen as students’ enemies
But when the time comes, it’s them we’ll miss

Demons, that’s what they are from afar
But do you see them for what they really are?
These creatures who want nothing more
Than to guide us in every field we explore

We may not realize before it’s too late
That the person we’ve come to hate
Will mold us into who we should be
Individual persons, you and me

They are not demons, but angels from above
Teaching us in ways they’ve come to love
Maybe someday you’ll learn to appreciate
Other things aside from when they’re fifteen minutes late 

A text post inspired by English class. We were tackling "The Demon Episode" and one of my classmates announced that all teachers are demons. I was then asked to write an article for the Literary Section. This is what I came up with.
For those who do not understand the "fifteen minutes late" thing, our school has this policy that the students are permitted to leave the if the teacher does not arrive within fifteen minutes.
Sana di ako nagpapakaplastic sa mga pinagsasabi ko :))

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