In an attempt to be poetic.
I'm Jesh. 18 years old. Currently taking up BS Computer Science at UP Manila.
I love books and music. And food. I have a flair for the dramatic. I write poems and songs. Half-realist, half-hopeless romantic. Caffeine addict. Extroverted introvert. I'm weird like that.

#personal #writings #poems 
The Moon
15 July 2011 | 9:47 PM | 0 letters
The moon, light and pale
Listens to that little wail
Up above, suspended in the air
He’s there, watching you from up there

He sees the stars that stream down your cheek
He knows the answers you try to seek
He sees everything, you cannot hide
He’s always there, just by your side

The city’s a perfect view from where he is
He sees every laughter, every kiss
He sees death, he knows it’s soon
He knows. After all, he’s the moon

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