In an attempt to be poetic.
I'm Jesh. 18 years old. Currently taking up BS Computer Science at UP Manila.
I love books and music. And food. I have a flair for the dramatic. I write poems and songs. Half-realist, half-hopeless romantic. Caffeine addict. Extroverted introvert. I'm weird like that.

#personal #writings #poems 
08 November 2012 | 1:04 PM | 0 letters
And you probably won't believe me but it's true. I realized that, while all I thought I wanted was freedom and some space, I just really want you. Maybe I'm just too selfish. Maybe it's because I want you all to myself and I get jealous when I see you spending time with someone else. Maybe that's just it. Maybe I just wanted you to tell me that you need me, too. Maybe I was hoping that if I said I didn't want you anymore, you'd ask me to stay. Maybe sometimes I just need a really tight hug. Maybe I just need you so bad right now. Maybe I kept saying that I'm leaving because I wanted you to hold me back. Maybe I just wanted you to tell me that you don't want me to go. Maybe I just wanted you to tell me that you find me pretty. Maybe I just wanted you to tell me that I should stop being insecure because there's nothing to be insecure about. Maybe I just wanted someone to make me feel safe. Maybe I just wanted someone to hold on to. Maybe I just needed a reason to go on. And with that reason gone...

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